Nothing can bring a smile to a mother's face like those three little words, "Time for bed".

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Skirt for Em

 I have been sick the last couple of days :(  I'm still under the weather, but I am tired of laying around. So, I went in my oldest daughters room and found a pair of her jeans that had holes in the knees and decided to make a skirt. Waste not, want not!!  This was super easy and only took about an hour and a half  :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring Break Crafting

Easter Bunny Masks

This was a very fun activity! It occupied the kiddos for at least an hour :)
 The Easter Bunny template is so cute and very easy for the kids to cut out...except for the eye holes.
We used cotton balls, crayons, pipe cleaners and jewels to decorate!
Give it a try! Enjoy!

Spring Break Crafting

  Little Yellow Easter Chick
Spring Break is here! The weather has been beautiful and I have to admit, it has been awfully nice not getting up at the crack of dawn :) But....the kids are kinda driving me nuts hehe! They have been bickering like you wouldn't believe and today I have a couple extra monsters running around! Yes, that makes 5 little monsters running around my house! So, I was thinking that maybe I could keep them all busy with Easter crafts!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Becca's blues and greens

All About the Blues and Greens!! I made this little outfit for my youngest daughter. "B" absolutely loves wearing it and I have to say, I L-O-V-E her in it! Enjoy!

15 Minute HairBand

I found out yesterday after the kiddos got home from school that they had picture day on Tuesday (today). Well, that sent me into a frenzy! I work 2 nights a week (Sunday & Monday) so my hubby has to get the monkeys ready for school Monday & Tuesday mornings. He does pretty good, but hair is NOT his specialty! Sometimes Em looks like she has a rat nest in the back of her head because she's just not that great at brushing it yet ;) So, I threw together a little hairband that would be cute and easy. I also left the hubs specific directions on how to brush her hair hehe!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Quilting for Triplets

One of my very good friends is having babies!! Yes, not 1 baby or 2 babies, but 3 babies! I'm so super excited for her and her hubby :) They are going to be amazing parents! Being who I am (ridiculous at times)....I decided that I wanted to make their baby gift. Did I go for stuffed animals or receiving blankets or burp clothes??? Oh, no! I'm going all out and making them all quilts! haha!  So, my goal for the next few months is to get them done! She is due in July, think I will have time? Sure hope so! This is going to be a several step process and I am by no means a wonderful quilter. Honestly, I have only ever made one real quilt in my life...I have a feeling there is going to be a lot of Googling to remember how to do certain steps.
Well here we go!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Pattern Weight / Bean Bag

 Whoa!! Two posts today! :) I had to do something fun and simple...I thought I'd share with you a fun little idea. I've seen a few posts for pattern weights, but a lot of them are rather boring. My youngest daughter and I made one today that is cute! We took some left over felt and cut circles (our shape that we're learning this week) I sewed and she glued :)  We filled them with Pearled Barley...any type of bean will work, this is just what I had on hand. Enjoy and create many different types and share with me! 
Happy Friday!
Lady Bug Fun!!!

Noah's Little "Jumper"

I'm always making little cutesy clothes for my girls, but I thought let me make something for my nephew... So, I decided to try my hand at a one piece outfit. After some frustration, I finally got it! It's by far perfect, but for a first try it turned out pretty good :) I went against buying a pattern and just used one of his jumpers as a guideline. (probably not the smartest thing to do) It's made from one of my husbands button-up shirts (I feed him too well..hehe) I love to reuse items I already have at home! Let me know what you think! Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My first ever blog

Hey everyone! I am Keri, a mom, wife, part-time employee, laundromat, dishwasher and maid ;). I do not mind any of the different hats that I wear, but I sure do enjoy nap or bed time. This is when I get to strip off all of my hats and just be me. I have a deep love for all things artsy or crafty...or just plain fun to try and make/recreate. I hope you all enjoy my crazyness...I can't promise that it will always be great, but it will be fun.